Bird Barrier Certified Installer. Certified Installer for Bird X. Pigeons were perching in the piping and conduit running the length and breadth of a large warehouse.
Certified re-locator for Canada Geese. National Wildlife Control Operators Association NWCOA Bat Standards Certified. From the ground it is practically invisible.
National Wildlife Control Operators Association NWCOA Rodent Standards Certified.
To register your interest for installing Bird Barrier systems for both industrial and domestic situations please contact 1300 66 56 57 for details. Earn Your Master Bird Control Specialist certificate after attending two of these block classes. As a Bird Barrier Certified Installer we are equipped and prepared to handle nuisance birds ranging from woodpeckers damaging your home to removing massive quantities of pigeons roosting in various structures. Certified in euthanasia for Canada Geese.